About the Hellenistic Astrology Course

Hellenistic astrology is a tradition of astrology that was practiced in the Mediterranean region from the 1st century BC through the 7th century AD, roughly coinciding with the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. It is the original tradition of western astrology, and many of the techniques that are employed by modern western astrologers today originated during the Hellenistic period.

The purpose of the Hellenistic Astrology Course is to learn about where the techniques of western astrology came from, how they were originally used, and how to apply them in practice today.

The course is divided into 13 parts, and provides a detailed overview of the history, philosophy, and techniques of ancient astrology. It is presented entirely online through a private website that each student gains access to upon registering. The majority of the lessons are presented through pre-recorded video lectures, which are complemented by chart examples, diagrams, and other written materials.

New students can begin the course at any time using one of the buttons at the top or bottom of this page in order to register for the course. Shortly after you register for the course you will receive an email with your login information for the course site.

The course contains over 100 hours of lectures on basic, intermediate, and advanced techniques, providing a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of western astrology. The course primarily focuses on natal astrology, and students will finish the course with a strong foundation in how to interpret birth charts in a systematic and effective manner.

The course is taught by Chris Brennan, who is one of the leading authorities on the study and practice of Hellenistic astrology, and is the author of the book Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune.

The only required text for the course is Chris's book on Hellenistic astrology, which can be ordered in either print or ebook versions. All other required reading materials are provided through the course site itself.

Who is this course for?

The Hellenistic Astrology Course is primarily designed for students and practitioners of modern western astrology who feel like they have gone as far as they can go with that approach, and are looking for something more.

It can also be useful for newer students of astrology who want to build a strong foundation with their studies right from the start, taking them from basic concepts through intermediate and advanced techniques.

Here are some considerations to help determine if the course is right for you:

  • If you are looking for a systematic method for interpreting birth charts.

  • If you would like to learn how to determine specific information about the nature and course of a person’s life.

  • If you want to demystify the process of integrating the different components of a horoscope and learn how to achieve chart synthesis.

  • If you are looking for a more accurate and consistent form of astrology that can be used to predict events.

  • If you want to know where astrology came from and what its technical and conceptual foundations are.

  • Most of all, the course is designed for those who want to become better astrologers, both by teaching you how to utilize the techniques you already know more effectively, as well as by introducing you to new techniques that can do things that you didn’t even know were possible.

What do you get when you sign up for the course?

Here are some of the things that you get access to immediately upon signing up for the course:

  • 100+ hours of video lectures

    Over 100 hours of video lectures on the history, philosophy, and techniques of ancient astrology. The core material of the course is centered around the lectures, which can be streamed on any device.

  • Ancient astrological texts

    Guided readings of translations of ancient astrological texts, with primers on basic vocabulary and concepts, in order to allow students to read more advanced material on their own.

  • Private Discussion Forum

    Access to a private Facebook group for students of the course, where you can ask questions and discuss concepts with other students. This provides ongoing community support, even once you have completed the course.

  • Downloadable Diagrams

    Dozens of downloadable and printable diagrams and tables in PDF format, which help to memorize and explicate different technical concepts.

  • Hundreds of chart examples

    The lectures in the second half of the course employ hundreds of birth chart examples, so that you can learn both the theory as well as the practice underlying the techniques, and see how they apply in real life.

  • Live Monthly Q&A Session

    Each month students of the course can attend a live question and answer session with Chris over Zoom. The recording is posted on the course site after, for those who can't make the live meeting.

  • Certificate of Completion

    A certificate of completion once you finish the course and complete the final test, which is a written test that you receive feedback on.

  • Bonus Content

    The list of benefits for students of the course expands periodically, as new lectures and other bonus materials are continually added.

Synopsis of Each Part of the Course

Below you will find a brief synopsis of what is covered during each of the 13 parts of the course. You can also scroll down to the bottom of this page in order to see some of the different files that are available in the course, and how it is structured.

Part 1: The History of Hellenistic Astrology

The first part of the course provides a broad overview of the history of ancient astrology. In it we explore some of the historical undercurrents which fostered the development of Hellenistic astrology in Greco-Roman Egypt, and how developments in the earlier Mesopotamian and Egyptian astrological traditions led to the introduction of some of the basic technical doctrines, such as the zodiac and the twelve houses. Other topics covered include the mysterious origins of Hellenistic astrology, astrologers whose texts survived from this period, mystery schools present in the early tradition, and an overview of the ongoing efforts to recover the ancient traditions in modern times.

Part 2: The Philosophy of Hellenistic Astrology

The purpose of the second part of the course is to become familiar with the philosophical undercurrents that played a role in the development and practice of Hellenistic astrology. In particular we focus on debates surrounding the mechanism underlying astrology, as well as debates about fate and free-will, and the extent to which things were viewed as predetermined. This part of the course also features coverage of some of the major philosophical schools during this time period and their relationship with astrology, such as Platonism, Aristotelianism, Stoicism, Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, and Skepticism.

Part 3: Basic Techniques and Concepts: Planets

In the third part of the course we begin a four-part series on the basic technical doctrines of Hellenistic astrology, with an overview of the ancient approach to dealing with the planets, signs, aspects, and houses. This part of the course sets a foundation for a more precise approach to predictive astrology by introducing a number of basic interpretive principles and distinctions that are either missing from or are not entirely clear in modern astrology. In the section on the planets we deal with concepts such as benefic & malefic, sect, gender, the significations of the planets, and more.

Part 4: Basic Techniques and Concepts: Signs of the Zodiac

In the fourth part of the course we continue our series on basic concepts by focusing on the meaning of the twelve signs of the zodiac. In this part of the course we deal with concepts such as planetary rulerships, gender, triplicity, quadruplicity, precession, and more.

Part 5: Basic Techniques and Concepts: Aspects or Configurations

In the fifth part of the course we continue our series on basic concepts by focusing on the doctrine of aspects or configurations. In this part of the course we cover concepts such as right versus left sided aspects, overcoming versus hurling rays, the quality of the different aspects, and more.

Part 6: Basic Techniques and Concepts: The Twelve Houses or Places

In the fifth part of the course we complete our series on basic concepts by focusing on the doctrine of the twelve places, which are known as "houses" in modern astrology.

In this segment we talk about the origins of the concept of houses, different forms of house division, the rationale for the meanings of the houses, planetary joys, and lots more.

Part 7: The Domicile Lord of the Hour-Marker

In the seventh part of the course you’ll learn how to use the ruler of the Ascendant or “Hour-Marker” in order to determine information about the focus and life direction of the native. This part of the course includes a review of the original conceptualization of the significations of each of the twelve houses.

Part 8: Rulers of the Twelve Places

In the eighth part of the course you will learn how to interpret the rulers of the twelve houses or “places” when they are in houses other than their own. For example, what it means when the ruler of the 7th is in the 10th, or when the ruler of the 11th is in the 9th, and so on.

Part 9: Conditions of Bonification and Maltreatment

In this part of the course you will learn about a special set of considerations for determining planetary condition, known as the conditions of bonification and maltreatment. These 7 conditions allow you to determine how a planet is functioning in a chart, and whether its significations are being affirmed and enhanced, or denied and corrupted.

Part 10: The Lots or “Arabic Parts”

The purpose of the tenth part of the course is to introduce the technical concept known as Lots (kleroi), which are known in modern times as “Arabic Parts.” Lots are mathematical points that are used in a chart in order to study specific topics in a person’s life, and oftentimes they can be the key to understanding things that are otherwise unclear about a person’s life. In particular we will focus on the Lot of Fortune, and discuss the rationale for its calculation, as well as its meaning and uses in chart delineations.

Part 11: Triplicity Rulers of the Sect Light

In the eleventh part of the course you will learn about the concept of rulership by trigon or triplicity, and I will show you how it is used within the context of a specific technique for determining the overall foundation of the nativity known as the triplicity rulers of the sect light. We will also introduce some of our first timing techniques, which are timing the activation of certain placements through planetary periods and ascensional times.

Part 12: Time-Lord Techniques: Annual Profections

The purpose of the twelfth part of the course is to introduce the concept of time-lord techniques, and to focus on one technique in particular known as Annual Profections.

The premise of the Hellenistic time-lord techniques is that not all placements in a given natal chart are operating at their fullest potential at any given moment in time. Instead, there are specific periods in a native’s life when certain planets or sectors in the chart become activated, thus drawing out the latent potential of those natal placements.

Annual Profections are used in order to determine which planets will be activated in a native’s life in a given year, which allows astrologers to pinpoint the most important transits that will coincide with specific events. Profections can be used in order to determine what some of the primary themes are that will arise during the course of the year, as well as whether the year will tend to be experienced as more positive or more challenging.

Part 13: Advanced Time-lord Techniques: Zodiacal Releasing

In the thirteenth part of the course you will learn about a more advanced time-lord technique known as Zodiacal Releasing, which is one of the most impressive and powerful time-lord systems that has been recovered from the Hellenistic tradition to date.

Zodiacal Releasing divides a person’s life into chapters and paragraphs, as if the life was a book, and you were able to read the narrative of the native’s life like you would read the outline of a biography.

Each chapter in a native’s life begins with the activation of a specific planet as a time-lord, as well as the sign of the zodiac ruled by that planet.

Once all of the time-lord periods for a person’s life have been calculated, the technique can be used to identify periods of heightened importance and activity with respect to the native’s overall career and life direction, otherwise known as “peak periods.” The technique also provides information about which periods of the native’s life will tend to be experienced as the most subjectively positive or negative, career transitions, and other important life turning points.

When used in coordination with other techniques taught in the course, Zodiacal Releasing provides astrologers with a powerful method for determining information about the course of a native’s life, and becomes an indispensable tool for predicting the future.

Final Test and Bonus Content

At the end of the course is an optional final written test. If you pass the test, then you will receive a certificate of completion for the course.

There is also some bonus content available at the end of the course, which includes recordings of some different webinars from question and answer sessions, and some other bonus lectures.

For a full list of all of the files available in the course and the general course curriculum, please scroll down to the bottom of this page.

About the Instructor of the Hellenistic Course


Chris Brennan

Chris Brennan is a professional astrologer from Denver, Colorado, USA. He specializes in ancient astrology, and is the author of the book Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune, as well as the host of the award-winning weekly show called The Astrology Podcast. He is the former President of the Association for Young Astrologers, and former Research Director of the National Council for Geocosmic Research. For more information about his work visit ChrisBrennanAstrologer.com.

Study the Course At Your Own Pace

Since the course is presented through a series of pre-recorded video lectures, each person is able to adapt it to fit their schedule, and there are no specific times that students need to be available for the course. This allows each student to study at their own pace.

Students may choose to participate in the class and get feedback by asking questions or participating in the private discussion forum, or by completing multiple choice quizzes at the end of each section of the course.

There is also a live monthly question and answer session through Zoom, and the recordings of these webinars are posted on the course site after, so you can watch them even if you can't attend the live meeting.

For many people the main purpose of the course is simply to gain access to the lectures and study material, and for that reason the completion of assignments is not required.

Those who do complete all of the quizzes and pass the final test at the end of the course will receive a certificate of completion.

Accessing the Course

The entire course is presented online through a private course site that each student gains access to immediately after they sign up. 

New students can register and gain access to the course site at any time.

When a new student registers for the course they will receive their login information and a welcome email a few minutes later, and then they will be able to begin studying right away.

A broadband internet connection is required for the course, in order to stream video lecture files that would take a while on slower connections.

Registering for the Course

The price for the course is a one-time fee of $697.

This gives you unlimited access to the course, and you can access it for as long as you want.

To purchase the course please use one of the “buy now” buttons located on this page. 

After completing your payment you will receive an email with instructions for getting started. 

If you have any questions about the course then please email Chris at:

[email protected]

Course Curriculum

Lectures and resources available in the course

  • 1

    Course Orientation and General Files

    • Welcome to the Hellenistic Astrology Course!

    • Required Books for the Course

    • Translations of Astrological Texts

    • Discussion Forum and Student Groups

    • Newsletter for News and Announcements

    • Software Discount Page

    • Custom Solar Fire Design Files

    • How to Create a Free Hellenistic Chart Layout on Astro.com

    • Discount on Other Courses

    • Troubleshooting Technical Issues with the Course Site

    • Errata Sheet for Hellenistic Astrology Book

    • Timestamps for the Core Course Lectures

  • 2

    Part 1: The History of Hellenistic Astrology

    • Part 1 Overview

    • Part 1 Lecture: The History of Hellenistic Astrology

    • Historical Passages in Valens

    • Supplemental Reading on History and Ancient Astrology

    • Quiz For Part 1

  • 3

    Part 2: The Philosophy of Hellenistic Astrology

    • Part 2 Overview

    • Part 2 Lecture: The Philosophy of Hellenistic Astrology

    • Ancient Philosophy and Astrology

    • Fate and Astrology

    • Reading Plato's Timaeus: Discussion and Astrological Commentary

    • Hermeticism and Ancient Astrology

    • Readings from the Anthology of Vettius Valens - Part 2 - Philosophical Passages

    • Supplemental Reading on Ancient Philosophy

    • The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

    • Proclus and Astrology in Platonism

    • Plato - The Timaeus

    • Plato - The Myth of Er

    • Quiz for Part 2

  • 4

    Part 3: Planets

    • Part 3 Overview

    • Part 3 Lecture: The Planets

    • Origins of the Planetary Myths in Astrology

    • The Significations of the Seven Traditional Planets

    • Basic Natures of the Planets Handout

    • Valens on Planetary Combinations

    • Ptolemy on the Qualities of the Planets

    • Sect Reference Sheet

    • Determining the Sect of the Chart

    • Using Sect to Determine the Most Positive and Negative Planets in the Chart

    • The Antikythera Mechanism and Planetary Order

    • Quiz for Part 3

  • 5

    Part 4: Signs of the Zodiac

    • Part 4 Overview

    • Part 4 Lecture: Signs of the Zodiac

    • Thema Mundi Diagram

    • Domiciles Diagram

    • Hellenistic Rulerships Table

    • Egyptian Bounds

    • Understanding the Difference Between the Zodiacs

    • Valens on the Signs and Bounds

    • Ptolemy on the Signs of the Zodiac

    • The Three Zodiacs: Constellational, Sidereal, and Tropical

    • Reading Hellenistic Interpretations of Planets in Signs - Webinar Recording

    • Manetho

    • The Origins of the Exaltations

    • Exaltations Diagram

    • The Origins of the Concept of Detriment

    • References to Detriment by Hellenistic Astrologers

    • Quiz for Part 4

  • 6

    Part 5: Configurations

    • Part 5 Overview

    • Part 5 Lecture: Configurations

    • Valens on Configurations

    • Translation Conventions and Glossary for Configurations

    • Right Versus Left Sided Configurations

    • Overcoming

    • Containment

    • Copresence, Assembly, and Adherence

    • Upon the Tenth

    • Bonus Lecture: Reconstructing the Doctrine of Configurations

    • Porphyry, Excerpts from Antiochus' Introduction

    • Quiz for Part 5

  • 7

    Part 6: The Twelve Places

    • Part 6 Overview

    • Brief Introduction to Whole Sign Houses Video

    • Part 6 Lecture: The Twelve Places

    • The Significations of the Places

    • The Joys of the Planets

    • Chrematistikos Places

    • Good and Bad Places

    • James Holden: Four Evil Houses

    • Bonus Lecture: Reconstructing the Doctrine of the Planetary Joys

    • The Planetary Joys and the Origins of the Significations of the Houses and Triplicities

    • James Holden - Ancient House Division

    • Origins of the House Division Debate in Ancient Astrology

    • Reading Charts with Sect: Live Demonstration

    • Whole Sign House Denialism

    • Quiz for Part 6

  • 8

    Part 7: The Domicile Lord of the Hour-Marker

    • Part 7 Overview

    • Part 7 Lecture: The Domicile Lord of the Hour-Marker

    • Valens on the Domicile Lord

    • Quiz for Part 7

  • 9

    Part 8: Rulers of the Places

    • Part 8 Overview

    • Part 8 Lecture: Rulers of the Places

    • Quiz for Part 8

  • 10

    Part 9: Bonification and Maltreatment

    • Part 9 Overview

    • Part 9 Lecture: Bonification and Maltreatment

    • Four Conditions of Maltreatment

    • Enclosure and Intervention

    • Maltreatment by Engagement

    • Mitigating Factors in Traditional Astrology (audio)

    • Reception: A Mitigating Condition in Birth Charts

    • Quiz for Part 9

  • 11

    Part 10: Lots

    • Part 10 Overview

    • Part 10 Lecture: Lots

    • The Lot of Fortune and Spirit - Part 1

    • The Lot of Fortune and Spirit - Part 2: Lots More Examples

    • Hermetic Lot Calculations & Other Topical Lots

    • The Theoretical Rationale Underlying the Seven Hermetic Lots

    • How to Add the Lot of Spirit to Charts in Solar Fire

    • Video Tutorial on How to Calculate Lots

    • Video showing the speed of the Hermetic lots

    • Blank Chart Wheel Template for Calculating Lots

    • Blank Chart Templates for Making Examples from Valens

    • Quiz for Part 10

  • 12

    Part 11: Triplicity Rulers of the Sect Light

    • Part 11 Overview

    • Part 11 Lecture: Triplicity Rulers of the Sect Light

    • Triplicity Rulers Table

    • Ascensional Times Table

    • Valens on the Triplicity Rulers

    • Reading Valens Passages on Triplicity Rulers Webinar

    • Robert Hand - Planetary Periods

    • Quiz for Part 11

  • 13

    Part 12: Time-Lord Techniques - Annual Profections

    • Part 12 Overview

    • A Brief 10-Minute Introduction to Annual Profections and Finding the Ruler of the Year

    • Part 12 Lecture: Annual Profections

    • Annual Profections Wheel Diagram

    • Annual Profections Worksheet

    • Valens on Profections, Part 1: Anthology, Book 4, Ch. 11-12

    • Reading Valens on Annual Profections Webinar: Anthology 4, 11-12

    • Valens on Profections, Part 2: Excerpts from Anthology 4 and 5

    • Reading Valens on Profections Webinar, Part 2: Excerpts from Anthology Books 4 and 5

    • Annual Profections Examples From a Live Audience Discussion

    • Transits in Astrology: An Introduction to Timing

    • Interpreting Transiting Eclipses in the Houses Workshop

    • List of Dates for Eclipses from 1950-2030

    • Quiz for Part 12

  • 14

    Part 13: Advanced Time-lord Techniques - Zodiacal Releasing

    • Part 13 Overview

    • A Brief 14-Minute Introduction to Zodiacal Releasing

    • Part 13 Lecture: Zodiacal Releasing - Part 1

    • Part 13 Lecture: Zodiacal Releasing - Part 2

    • Software Programs for Calculating Zodiacal Releasing Periods

    • Valens on Zodiacal Releasing

    • Reading Valens Passages on Zodiacal Releasing Webinar

    • Keywords for Zodiacal Releasing

    • Zodiacal Releasing Worksheet

    • Calculating Zodiacal Releasing Periods Manually

    • Core Principles of Zodiacal Releasing

    • Zodiacal Releasing Periods

    • Zodiacal Releasing Blank Wheel

    • Zodiacal Releasing Program Comparison & Demonstration

    • Demo of Zodiacal Releasing Periods in Delphic Oracle

    • Zodiacal Releasing Episode of The Astrology Podcast

    • Zodiacal Releasing Chart Reading Demonstration

    • Common Issues in Applying Zodiacal Releasing

    • Zodiacal Releasing From the Lot of Eros Audio Lecture

    • Lot of Eros Lecture Slides

    • Quiz for Part 13

  • 15

    Final Test

    • Final Test for the Hellenistic Astrology Course

  • 16

    Bonus Content

    • The Master of the Nativity Lecture

    • Master of the Nativity Presentation Slides

    • Master of the Nativity Handout

    • Rhetorius on Interpreting a Birth Chart

    • George Lucas: Applying Multiple Techniques to Study a Biography

  • 17

    Question and Answer Session Recordings

    • April 2017 Q&A Webinar

    • June 2017 Q&A Webinar

    • November 2021 Q&A Recording

    • December 2021 Q&A Recording

    • January 2022 Q&A Recording

    • February 2022 Q&A Recording

    • March 2022 Q&A Recording

    • May 2022 Q&A Recording

    • June 2022 Q&A Recording

    • July 2022 Q&A Recording

    • August 2022: Timing Techniques in Practice

    • September 2022 Q&A Recording

    • January 2023 Q&A Recording

    • June 2023 Q&A Recording

    • September 2023 Q&A Recording

    • January 2024 Q&A Recording

  • 18

    Reading Group

    • Hellenistic Astrology Course Reading Group First Orientation Recording

    • Study Group Meeting - September 2 2023

    • Study Group Meeting - October 8 2023

    • Study Group Meeting - November 4 2023

    • Study Group Meeting - December 9 2023

    • Study Group Meeting - January 6 2024

    • Study Group Meeting - February 3 2024

    • Study Group Meeting - March 2 2024

    • Study Guide - Chapters 5 & 6


5 star rating

Hellenistic Course

Babette Sindram

Great course, very well substantiated. Also easy to understand for foreigners whose English is not perfect like me.

Great course, very well substantiated. Also easy to understand for foreigners whose English is not perfect like me.

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5 star rating

Building a Strong Foundation

Sindy Schönherr

If you aim to study and understand the roots of western astrology than Chris Brennan's Hellenistic Astrology Course is what you are looking for. The content ...

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If you aim to study and understand the roots of western astrology than Chris Brennan's Hellenistic Astrology Course is what you are looking for. The content of this course is extensive yet well-structured. Detailed theory and practical examples go hand in hand when it comes to the various techniques of ancient astrology. This course is not only teaching methods but illuminates in great detail the premises behind them. The Hellenistic Astrology Course helps to build a strong foundation in understanding the mechanics of astrology and applying its techniques in practice. I went through the course with great enthusiasm and thank Chris for his well-organized and comprehensive teachings!

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5 star rating

The Real Astrology

Maria Ntouni

A very thorough and organized course! Thank you Chris!

A very thorough and organized course! Thank you Chris!

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5 star rating


Daniel Larkin

I came to this course with a million questions. As someone who had begun to learn modern astrology and passed the first level NCGR test, I keep asking myself...

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I came to this course with a million questions. As someone who had begun to learn modern astrology and passed the first level NCGR test, I keep asking myself about the origins and history of astrology. Where does the astrology we use today come from? Where do the signs come from? Why is Saturn malefic and Jupiter benefic? What is the oldest astrological text known? This course answered all of my questions. It opened my eyes to the origins, history and philosophy of the astrology during the Hellenistic era and the Roman empire. It enhanced my practice as a professional astrologer. It gave me a deeper appreciation for the historical arc of astrology since ancient times. The facebook group allowed me to connect with other astrologers interested in the revival of Hellenistic astrology from around the globe. I highly recommend it for all astrologers.

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5 star rating

Amazing source of information and techniques

Susan Aventi

This course is invaluable. So much information in one place. And! I especially love that new videos pop up! I am so pleased that I chose this course. I abs...

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This course is invaluable. So much information in one place. And! I especially love that new videos pop up! I am so pleased that I chose this course. I absolutely recommend it for serious students of traditional, event based astrology.

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5 star rating

Life Changing!

Gary Mitchell

I purchased Chris's Hellenistic Astrology course in 2014. I slowly worked my way up toward the end of the course; I only had the Zodiacal Releasing section ...

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I purchased Chris's Hellenistic Astrology course in 2014. I slowly worked my way up toward the end of the course; I only had the Zodiacal Releasing section to go. When Chris launched the "new course" I took the opportunity to go back through it all from the beginning. I am now four hours into the zodiacal releasing section and have about fourteen hours to go to complete that section. After only four hours I can say that the zodiacal releasing section really brings things together and that it alone is easily worth the price of the course. I have also purchased Chris's Electional and Horary Astrology courses and look forward to getting into those soon! Chris Brennan has truly done an outstanding job of authoring these courses. Thanks, Chris!

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5 star rating

The Hellenistic Astrology Course: absolutely fabulous!

Hellen Vos

At the end of last year I finished Chris Brennans Hellenistic Astrology Course and got my Certificate of Completion. I loved following the lessons and the wa...

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At the end of last year I finished Chris Brennans Hellenistic Astrology Course and got my Certificate of Completion. I loved following the lessons and the way Chris explained everything. Although I am from the Netherlands and English is not my home language, I had no problems following Chris. His calm voice, together with the slides and the handouts made it a pleasure to listen to him . It was really fun to do the tests and receiving his corrections, just like having a private teacher. If you want to learn the basics of Hellenistic Astrology in an easy way and in your own tempo, register for the Hellenistic Astrology Course. I am sure you will enjoy it as much as I did and it is worth every dollar. The course, together with Chris' book ' Hellenistic Astrology, the study of fate and fortune' are an absolute must for everyone interested in the Western horoscopic astrology. Hellen Vos

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5 star rating

A Gift from Heaven

Marion van der Graaf

This Course is really fabulous. It is extremely well structured. The explanation is crystal clear. There are tons of examples. The course is taught with ins...

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This Course is really fabulous. It is extremely well structured. The explanation is crystal clear. There are tons of examples. The course is taught with inspiring enthusiasm, and it has a beautiful layout. The audio-visual method is very appealing . It has to be mentioned that Chris has a very very nice voice which makes the many hours of listening to the audio-material, a truly peaceful thing instead of a torture to the ears, which very unfortunately is so often the case. Starting as an introductory course, and very very useful as such, it has been developed now to a complete course, which is fantastic. To rate it 5 stars would' t do justice to this course. In fact it sits on lonely heights I am quite sure that this course, as well as the now accompanying and quite unique book on Hellenistic Astrology, will take their place in the history and practice of Hellenistic Astrology, and very deservedly so! Thank you Chris. Marion van der Graaf, the Netherlands

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5 star rating

Highly recommended - a fascinating and immersive learning...

Mark Tapnack

Chris Brennan's course sets a very high standard for online study programs full stop. It is comprehensive, clear and the support is fantastic. I have a backg...

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Chris Brennan's course sets a very high standard for online study programs full stop. It is comprehensive, clear and the support is fantastic. I have a background in psychoanalysis and have been dabbling with astrology for a few years now. This is the first time that I feel confident enough to delineate a nativity / natal chart without all the smoke and mirrors and psychobabble. There is much that I still want to learn, but I know where to go and what to do. The course represents real $ value too - it is obviously driven by passion to teach and not profiteering. From my perspective this a no-brainer not only for someone interested in so-called Traditional Astrology, but for anyone serious about Horoscopic Astrology in general. May the stars be ever in your favor :)

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5 star rating

Dedication and Integrity

Raquelle Puchol

The amount of content hours, lectures, slides, and articles embedded in the Hellenistic course is an invaluable investment for both the student of astrology ...

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The amount of content hours, lectures, slides, and articles embedded in the Hellenistic course is an invaluable investment for both the student of astrology looking beyond late 20th century/ modern astrology and the seasoned astrologer who would like to explore Hellenistic astrology. Chris Brennan’s dedication to preserving traditional astrology in a manner that is accessible, practical, and affordable is part of what makes this course exceptional. Upon completion of this course, the wealth of information gained can be easily applied to the astrologer’s consultation practice, a blessing for both the practitioner and client.

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5 star rating

Everything you ever wanted to know about Hellenistic Astr...

Rhys Chatham

My introduction to traditional astrology was through Demetra George’s workshops “Traditional Astrology 101 and 201”, which are based on her book, “Astrology ...

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My introduction to traditional astrology was through Demetra George’s workshops “Traditional Astrology 101 and 201”, which are based on her book, “Astrology and the Authentic Self”. My appetite thus whetted, I wanted to go further, so I took Chris Brennan’s Hellenistic Astrology course. This course contains a thorough explanation of the history and all the technical basics of Hellenistic astrology, as well as subjects which are not basic at all. By the time I had completed the course, I was able to delineate a natal chart in an authentically Hellenistic fashion. Everything from trigon lords to profections to solar revolutions to zodiacal releasing is fully explained in the included video lectures and written materials. Quizzes are provided in order to test one’s progress. I highly recommend this course.

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5 star rating

Highly Recommended

Rebecca Bray

This course is extremely comprehensive, covering the history and foundations of many astrological techniques, as well as more advanced techniques such as zod...

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This course is extremely comprehensive, covering the history and foundations of many astrological techniques, as well as more advanced techniques such as zodiacal releasing. I am self-taught and started off learning a very new-agey type of astrology. I was missing a lot of the basic grounding and was getting lost and confused. This course has filled in a lot of gaps in my knowledge. Not only that but it will make it easier for me to remember, because I now know the logic behind the attributions such as the exhaltations. The many example charts given bring the techniques to life and make it interesting. Chris explains things really clearly. The Facebook group is also useful to connect with other students, have any questions or you want to share your findings and ideas. I'm really glad I decided to invest in this course and would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes a down to earth approach to astrology.

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5 star rating

Course for open minds

Tania Daniels

I did the whole course in nearly 1 year. The content is well organized and fully referenced, wh'ich I appreciated particularly. The multitude of practical ex...

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I did the whole course in nearly 1 year. The content is well organized and fully referenced, wh'ich I appreciated particularly. The multitude of practical examples is amazing, even if many are used several times for different purposes. Chris' voice is clear and he speaks slowly (but not too much either and thus not becoming boring), which makes the course easly audible also for non native speakers. I liked the audio format which permits also listening without looking all the time at the slides. A minus point is that (when I did the course), it was impossible to follow it on the mobile phone, but I think, Chris is changing this. The last three lessons are far the best ones. The material is complex and working through the old textbooks (required readings) along with this course makes study (and thus one's personel discoverings) awesome. At some point, I proposed to create a study group, an idea immediatly taken up and realized by many of us. This is becoming a very interesting discussion forum, where we meet once a month online. Chris Brennan appreciated this idea and pushed it forward and now it is kind of part of the course, where students of all levels can discuss and give presentations. This openess to new ideas and projects is the best part of the Hellenistic Astrology course, which I truly recommend.

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5 star rating

Great way to learn and understand basics and advanced tec...

Vesna Viviann Stajduhar

Wow...Chris Brennan has really worked hard on this and it is really noticeable. Very in depth lectures, so many examples, elegantly paced course with calming...

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Wow...Chris Brennan has really worked hard on this and it is really noticeable. Very in depth lectures, so many examples, elegantly paced course with calming voice to guide you. I have learned a lot and I am looking forward to trying out the other courses offered by Chris. All of the books recommended and programs are necessary to fully understand Hellenistic Astrology. Of course practice makes perfect so take your time. Recommended for anyone who wants to explore either basics or in-depth view of Astrology.

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5 star rating


Kyle Erhard

I have not completed the course yet but am very excited every morning to grab some coffie and dig right in again. The Lectures are straightforward and easy...

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I have not completed the course yet but am very excited every morning to grab some coffie and dig right in again. The Lectures are straightforward and easy to digest, along with the written txt. Its nice how it includes videos along with the text, it keeps it exciting to see whats next. What I especially love is the color coated grafts, Signs / Causes and Complete vs partial determinism. The color coading allowed me to color my notes as per astrologer or philosopher and keep them all in order, For example Ptolomy would be red and purple for causes / partial determinism. This REALLY helped me to grasp each seperate view. I honestly did not think I would enjoy this work as much as I have. I also now thanks to this course see the importance of learning the history along with technique. -------- The only suggestion would be that I think the quizzes are too simple and weren't super challenging. But not an issue, This is the most well laid out course I have ever taken and is easily worth the value. You can tell the vast amount of time this course took to make and you can tell how passionate and informed the creator of this course is. Thank you Chris, you have outdone yourself and I am throughly impressed. Can't wait to dig back in tomorrow! Cheers!

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5 star rating


Yves Calderone

This course is a comprehensive survey of the history, philosophy and practice of Hellenistic astrology. Chris' elucidation of the material is clear and easy...

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This course is a comprehensive survey of the history, philosophy and practice of Hellenistic astrology. Chris' elucidation of the material is clear and easy to follow. He has an ability to explain complex and nuanced concepts in a way that makes them accessible to students of all levels. Chris draws on the latest scholarship as well as an array of primary and secondary sources and numerous chart examples to bring to life this important part of the astrological tradition. Chris is supportive and personable; he makes himself available to answer any questions in a timely and thorough manner. Additionally, I have benefited from the amazingly supportive, global, community of students on the forum who have, on more than one occasion, helped me through the course material and provided additional observations and insights. I highly recommend this course to all those interested in deepening their knowledge and appreciation of astrology.

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5 star rating

Sally Heal

5 star rating

Waasay Daniyal

5 star rating

Excellent in Every Way

Alec Senese

Excellent Course for the Beginner, Intermediate, or even Advanced Astrologer. The author is clear, engaging, and most of all, knowledgeable. You will get you...

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Excellent Course for the Beginner, Intermediate, or even Advanced Astrologer. The author is clear, engaging, and most of all, knowledgeable. You will get your money's worth for this course if you put in the time!

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5 star rating

Revived From More than Two Thousand Years into the Past!

Victor Rosillo

"The Hellenistic Astrology Course", Included and complemented with The Book "Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune", is Chris Brennan's "Obra ...

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"The Hellenistic Astrology Course", Included and complemented with The Book "Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune", is Chris Brennan's "Obra Maestra". Profoundly researched -historically and technically- analyzed, synthesized, brought into sense and order. Finally, revived after more than two thousand years; Hellenistic Astrology can be seriously, methodically studied and applied, by following Chris Brennan's "The Hellenistic Astrology Course" which, with its abundant didactic materials, takes you step by step, by the hand, into the wonderful, ominous world of Hellenistic Astrology.

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