Site news

Updates to the Hellenistic Astrology Website

By |2014-02-13T22:00:27-07:00April 28th, 2010|Categories: Site news|Tags: , |

It has been quite a while since I’ve done any updates to this blog, or to the Hellenistic Astrology Website in general for that matter, although I’m happy to announce that I will be returning to the project and redoubling my efforts in the near future. The first step is a round of website updates, starting with this blog, which I just relaunched this morning.  I plan to start posting here more regularly on various aspects of Hellenistic astrology, particularly with respect to the  many recent developments and contributions to the field by various scholars.  It has actually been a rather [...]

Hellenistic Astrology Blog Launched

By |2013-04-09T22:09:48-06:00August 19th, 2008|Categories: Site news|Tags: |

I launched a few days ago, and although I'm still working on the rest of the site I thought that it would be a good idea to set up the blog. In this section we will have articles, news and updates about all things related to Hellenistic astrology. Stay tuned for articles from some of the main contributors listed on our website.

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